Thank you for visiting the national resource for lead-free candy. We know you care about children’s health, so we’ve developed resources to answer all your questions about keeping your children healthy and safe.
Environmental Health Coalition, the California Attorney General’s Office and partners spearheaded the movement to eliminate lead in candy. After a thorough investigation, lawsuit and a statewide law, California now requires candy manufacturers to operate within strict legal standards and undergo regular audits to ensure compliance. As a result, candy sold in stores today has been tested for lead levels and certified as lead-free.
View a list of popular candies that are lead-free.
If you are a candy manufacturer, click here.
Most children with lead poisoning do not look or act sick, which is why it’s important to get a blood-lead test every year until age six as their brains are developing during this period. Please explore our website to learn more about lead poisoning in children and read our frequently asked questions about lead-free candy to learn how to keep your family healthy and safe.